[09:28:48] Anyone knows where I can find JSON dumps which older than 20161212 (13-Dec-2016)? [09:29:53] absolutely no idea [09:29:56] sorry [09:30:19] (yes it was only so you know you are not alone here) [09:30:39] Harmonia_Boulot: no worries :) [09:31:05] glorian_wd: you should ask Auregann_WMDE because wathever your question, either Auregann_WMDE knows or she knows someone who should know :p [09:32:52] Harmonia_Boulot: well, Auregann_WMDE in this channel. So she should have seen my question (and hopefully direct me to the right person to ask this question) :D [09:33:25] glorian_wd: she is always connected, but she answers when she is really here, so no idea when exactly [09:34:03] glorian_wd: maybe this https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Wikidata+editors%22 would help? [09:34:50] glorian_wd: http://dumps.wikimedia.your.org/wikidatawiki/ [09:35:08] oldest I was able to find [09:35:18] Thanks Tobi, Leszek. I will check them :) [09:35:59] glorian_wd: also on the official mirror: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/ [09:36:06] * Harmonia_Boulot try to write her scholarship demand for wikimania because deadliiiiiiiiiiines [09:38:07] (and I have a wikinews article to write, Wikidata items to update, two properties to ask for...) [09:38:11] (urgh, Mondays) [09:45:43] Tobi_WMDE_SW: these are not JSON dumps of entity data only but regular XML dumps of the whole wiki, aren't they? [09:46:16] asking, as this would be good to know those dumps are also there [09:46:43] Tobi_WMDE_SW: yea, no JSON dumps there. But thanks for helping anyway [10:18:53] leszek_wmde: glorian_wd: yea, those are the xml dumps. I didn't know which dumps you wanted [10:19:13] cannot find any older json dumps than those from december [10:43:17] glorian_wd: json dumps are archived on the internet archive [10:43:37] link that leszek_wmde provided https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Wikidata+editors%22 [10:44:13] thanks aude :) [10:45:41] :) [11:09:15] I just realized I'm missing the daily. [11:10:28] Aleksey_WMDE: Sorry. Do you know who is in the office? [11:12:07] Jonas_WMDE: Are you working today? If so, where? [11:15:25] Thiemo_WMDE: leszek, aleksey, katie and i just did the daily. jonas is busy doing interviews, i think [11:19:49] Ok, thank you. To add on that: I just rebased and fixed some of your patches in the Lexeme component. Merged a bunch more in Wikibase. Will continue to do so today. A bigger chunk I still need to work on is what we started in the Serialization components. [11:26:36] I try to write a query where I want to filter to only get results where P585 is today (whenever I run it). Is there a simple way to do that? [12:08:10] Thiemo_WMDE at the office [12:08:31] Early bird? [12:58:39] hmm, we don't have a property to indicate the coach of an athlete? [13:03:57] Harmonia_Boulot: There is P286 [13:05:03] Ainali: the description are not identical between languages [13:05:06] strange [13:06:44] urgh [13:06:52] incorrectly documented [13:07:13] and with visibly discussions since 2013 about the limits and uses of this property [13:07:15] *sigh* [14:37:14] !nyan | Jonas_WMDE [14:37:14] Jonas_WMDE: ~=[,,_,,]:3 [14:37:17] huh [14:37:19] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.3] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [14:37:19] @help [14:37:23] I know: add, changepass, channel-info, channellist, commands, configure, drop, github-, github+, github-off, github-on, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, rc-ping, rc-restart, reauth, recentchanges-bot-off, recentchanges-bot-on, recentchanges-minor-off, recentchanges-minor-on, recentchanges-off, recentchanges-on, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-host, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, time, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [14:37:23] @commands [14:38:08] @list [14:38:10] !list [14:38:36] http://bots.wmflabs.org/dump/%23wikidata.htm [14:38:36] @info [14:39:18] !nyandata is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeroenDeDauw/slides/master/smwcon/2015fall/yearly/img/nyandata.gif [14:39:19] Sorry, you are not authorized to perform this [14:39:53] !nyandata is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeroenDeDauw/slides/master/smwcon/2015fall/yearly/img/nyandata.gif [14:39:54] Key was added [14:40:09] !nyandata | Jonas_WMDE [14:40:09] Jonas_WMDE: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeroenDeDauw/slides/master/smwcon/2015fall/yearly/img/nyandata.gif [14:40:12] \o/ [15:53:47] Is there a better way to filter for ?d = today than this (which also is not only today)? FILTER(?d >= NOW() - "P1D"^^xsd:duration && ?d < NOW() ). [15:55:52] all Dutch items now have a wikidata-item ... until a new lemma is created ;-) [15:58:43] edoderoo: Nice graph! https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/duplicity.php?wiki=nlwiki&mode=stats [16:00:54] for the coming 6 weeks i wont put much time in it ... it was quite some work to get it down to this ;-) [16:03:27] but in the meantime "they" created two new articles already ... time flies