[15:26:23] The enwiki article got deleted. How can I check if enwiki and ugent were about the same person? https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8023477 [15:46:03] sjoerddebruin: https://web.archive.org/web/20160703045027/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_De_Waele [15:49:20] Were they about the same person? :S [15:50:23] I'm in doubt. [15:50:23] ugent says "Faculty of Engineering and Architecture" [15:50:34] Not something for a economist and computer scientist. [15:51:15] Perhaps two different people were already mixed [15:54:21] Although computer science and engineering are often considered the same [15:55:07] I study "ingenierĂ­a" in Spanish, but I always say "computer science" in English [15:57:16] https://biblio.ugent.be/person/801001137785 [15:59:18] sjoerddebruin : computer engineer ? [16:01:07] but the one from gent seems more like a materials engineer than a computer one [16:05:36] You can simply delete the item, BWAHAHA [16:36:28] I'm going for that. [21:55:14] Dutch has just become the most used language for descriptions on Wikidata. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Pasleim/Language_statistics_for_items [22:01:05] sjoerddebruin: would be nice to have that on /Next [22:01:16] Yep, going for that. [22:40:53] Auregann_WMDE: Has Wikidata stopped using identi.ca?