[00:54:31] pizzaiolo : the way i see it, a sculpture can show something and be in memory of something else [00:54:48] (or any work of art, really) [00:54:52] good point [00:55:11] sounds like it might be too subtle a difference for the casual mapper, though [00:55:16] i'm guessing "subject" is the actual thing pictured, whereas commemorates is the matter it's all about [00:55:33] a bird (subject) for peace (commemoration) [00:56:06] one could argue peace is the subject [00:56:12] one couldn't [00:56:25] the guy made a bird, he didn't sculpt peace ;) [00:56:41] right but the tag isn't object, it's subject [00:56:42] :P [00:56:55] yes, works of art have subjects [00:57:08] (and underlying themes) [00:57:25] so unless you found something that ably depicts wikidata, it's probably a commemoration thereof :p [00:57:36] (not an OSMer myself, but definitely makes sense :p ) [10:26:28] how would you extract the list of statements of a widely-used property, such as "instance of" (P31)? [10:27:01] the corresponding SPARQL query times out… [11:44:32] you can not simpley query all P31 of a widely used Q... like Q5 [11:44:46] then you need to filter it down by country, or profession... or ... [12:04:42] I'm just downloading the full dump and grepping, that should be simpler ^^ [12:05:00] (actually I'm not interested in "instance of" but "subclass of") [18:21:28] hello there [18:21:40] hi emiliano [18:21:50] Hi Dereckson [18:21:58] how are you doing today? [18:22:36] fine thanks [18:22:40] have a nice day at FOSDEM [18:23:14] that looks great. I will look into that [18:23:33] are you involved in the WikiData project? [18:27:55] yes [18:28:29] Hi Jedo [19:15:41] hoo: Hi hoo, for statement tracking, I've added in a regression test for pairs: https://github.com/hall1467/mediawiki-extensions-Wikibase/blob/master/client/tests/phpunit/includes/DataAccess/Scribunto/LuaWikibaseLibraryTests.lua [19:55:32] Hi there -- we are trying to set up a "tag" for lack of a better descriptor for a specific group of BLP articles and potential articles in Wikidata that we can run queries on to create task lists for editathons [19:55:44] is this something that Wikidata can be customized to do? [21:05:17] <}ls{> pretty new to wikidata i tried to query via curl. The very simple query works at https://query.wikidata.org But querying with curl using json i get a big bunch of URIs and alike instead of the resulting list. What do i miss here? The result is about 200 lines each max 50 chars, but json is 12MB. [21:06:30] <}ls{> using https://query.wikidata.org?format=json&sparql='select....' [21:14:25] }ls{: Well, the result viewer doesn't display the full URIs in the result set [21:14:30] also it pages large result sets [21:23:48] <}ls{> hoo: i just want a list of countries. The query is: [21:23:50] <}ls{> SELECT ?ccLabel WHERE { [21:23:51] <}ls{> ?cc wdt:P31 wd:Q6256. [21:23:53] <}ls{> SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "de". } [21:23:54] <}ls{> }' [21:24:51] <}ls{> i thougt i get back just the list of country names and the Q from all countries. Not that much. Using "curl" there is no result viewer... [21:30:16] }ls{: curl -H 'Accept: application/sparql-results+json' 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sarql?query=SELECT%20%3Fcc%20%3FccLabel%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%3Fcc%20wdt%3AP31%20wd%3AQ6256.%0A%20%20%20%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22de%22.%20%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%7D' [21:30:29] the result is just 44936 bytes for me [21:30:50] Altered the query to "SELECT ?cc ?ccLabel WHERE {…" (but nothing else) [21:31:22] <}ls{> Thanks. Will study this one and switch to sending explicit header, instead of using parms.