[09:57:48] "To avoid creating high replication lag, this transaction was aborted because the write duration (12.238553524017) exceeded the 3 second limit. If you are changing many items at once, try doing multiple smaller operations instead" [10:24:23] WiseWoman: Some not so smart person did a big university import from the German WIkipedia and made a complete mess out of it. The exact meaning of some concepts differs from country to country [11:05:47] multichill, that's what I've been seeing and wondering at some of the properties. "technical college" is defined to be a two-year-degree granting institution, but in Europe they are 3 years. [11:06:27] And many of the constructs are different from country to country, and even in time. We now have the first PhD-granting university of applied sciences in Germany. [11:07:14] It did seem that the German universities were a mess, then I started on the Danish ones last night. They are in utter disarray, and things are missing (like the technical college in Greenland). [11:08:09] Universities have various places they are at, various faculties that change over time - just modeling a university is one of the exercises I have my students do in my semantic modeling course. They discover that it is *very* difficult to even just model our university at the current point in time :) [11:21:31] WiseWoman, with PetScan you can sometimes fix them with a keen use of (sub)categories [11:22:47] search for Category:technical college AND P31=univerity will list a lot of the errors you've mentioned, I think [12:20:59] WiseWoman: Concepts are different per country and over time. Better to create specific items per concept and link these all together [12:21:48] For example we have an item for a municipality in the Netherlands. https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2039348 Well defined concept linked with the more fuzzy concepts [12:44:55] looking for a suggestion of a property. I have a published speech, that another published a response. How can I interrelate these? [12:46:16] Q28091257 and Q28089488 [13:07:27] sDrewth: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P2675 [13:08:15] You can increase the usage by 20% with one edit! ;-) [14:21:06] thx multichill [14:28:24] * sDrewth bangs head on desk for stupidity. When using petscan and checking for a tempalte, do NOT put the tempalte name inside curly brackets [14:32:07] ;-)