[09:18:32] How do I fix a double redirect? [09:41:08] sjoerddebruin: were you asking about that spinner thing because it's happening a lot to you right now? I've triggered it loads of times this morning ;_; [09:41:31] nikki: yup [09:50:11] I got something strange here: https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=pageprops&ppprop=wikibase_item&titles=Ombr%C3%A9e_d%27Anjou [09:50:21] The Wikidata item doesn't show up [09:50:31] but it exists and is properly linked... [09:50:53] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q27976636 [09:51:07] any idea ? [10:00:28] Ash_Crow: a null edit on the wikipedia page fixed it [10:00:39] ok thanks [10:03:47] I seem to remember a ticket about it, but phabricator's search is terrible these days [11:31:17] DanielK_WMDE: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/314554 [13:50:47] o/ [16:34:47] Hola, ¡Buenos días! Se necesita Managers y Operadores para Fundación importante de canales de IRC en Freenode y StormBit. Si estás interesado(a) por favor envía un email a viaplus_foundation@outlook.com o entra al canal #viaplus en Freenode. Se requiere dominio nativo o avanzado de idioma español, y un dominio básico de inglés (preferente, no exclu [16:34:47] yente). [16:50:27] Uh https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Wikidata:Database_reports/Constraint_violations/P27&curid=14024290&action=history [17:16:29] Nemo_bis: KrBot isn't very stable at the moment and Ivan does not respond to requests [17:17:16] * Nemo_bis pets KrBot [17:18:45] Only one maintainer, source code not published, running on an unknown machine, maintainer quite inactive. That's a good recipe for disaster. [17:24:27] SMalyshev: In the WDQ query converter for NOCLAIM[170] it outputs "OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P170 ?dummy0 } FILTER(!bound(?dummy0))", why not "MINUS {?item wdt:P170 [] }" ? [21:36:29] yo yo yo [23:49:19] That's it Wikidata, you are no longer the only data store :-P [23:49:20] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Weather/New_York_City.tab [23:50:01] I even made a demo of that data -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Yurik/WeatherDemo [23:50:21] cc Danny_B [23:53:02] cc aude