[00:23:16] the three ranks are... normal, deprecated, and ____ [00:23:49] preferred [11:19:26] Hello. I am trying to fetch data from Wikidata to Wikipedia, using a template. I have some problems with qualifiers and other things. Does anyone can help me? [13:29:31] hi all, is there a tool in wikidata that when given an entity would return the heirarchy tree the entity is part of with respect to the subclass, parent property [13:31:09] codezee: do you mean something like https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Template:Item_classification? [13:34:11] codezee: the wikidata graph builder, perhaps? https://angryloki.github.io/wikidata-graph-builder/?property=P279&item=Q5 [14:06:45] is there something where I can paste a list of page names into wikidata ids? quickstatements used to do it but it doesn't seem to any more, and I tried https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/linked_items.php but that just says "no links" :/ [14:17:27] WikidataFacts: is there a way to get that data programatically to store offline? [14:17:34] using the api [14:19:32] you mean, the superclass data? I guess you could use WDQS directly for that [15:37:28] hi, ,I was trying to get item from its label using - https://query.wikidata.org/#SELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20WHERE%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3FitemLabel.%0A%20%20FILTER%28CONTAINS%28LCASE%28%3FitemLabel%29%2C%20%22accountant%22%40en%29%29.%20%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en%22%20.%0A%20%20%20%7D%0A%7DLIMIT%2010 [15:37:36] however the query would timeout... :/ [15:52:24] codezee: I don't think you can do that with sparql without it timing out, it's not really designed for partial text searches like that [15:53:24] you'd either need to search for an exact string (e.g. ?item rdfs:label "accountant"@en.) or narrow down the results before checking the label to reduce the number of labels it has to check [15:53:39] if you can't do either of those, the mediawiki api is probably a better option, e.g. https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbsearchentities&search=accountant&language=en [15:55:58] nikki: I see, thanks! [19:44:02] anyone know where i can request undeletion of items? [19:44:15] Just ask me. :P [19:44:20] ok, Please use Wikidata:Administrators' noticeboard instead for undeletion requests. [19:44:50] i probably should post there, not to make anyone mad [19:44:58] Ok. :3 [19:49:03] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Administrators%27_noticeboard#Please_undelete_Q27838049_and_Q27838057 [19:49:14] prefer he/she sees this and undeletes them [19:49:24] sorry we were not logged in and editing as IPs [19:51:06] Yeah I already saw that popup on your tweet [19:51:30] sad that we are quick to delete stuff from IP users [19:55:36] he/she undeletd them already :)