[10:07:04] Hi there! Under what circumstances do external identifiers show up in the left-hand sidebar? Is that a subset of all identifiers that's defined somewhere? (The one that ends with "Toggle main display".) [10:39:58] Eloquence: it looks like you're using https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Magnus_Manske/ext-props.js which just has a hard-coded list of properties [10:40:25] nikki, ohh, I forgot about that script :). thanks for pointing that out. [10:40:55] it looks like it was written before we created a data type for external ids, it might be possible to change it now [10:41:15] (but I don't know how :)) [10:41:42] *nod*, makes sense. [13:11:07] thanks Wikidata team to provide us an excuse to eat cake [13:11:15] see the photo's: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikidata%27s_4th_birthday_in_the_Netherlands [14:01:59] hello. may I ask questions on the usage of wikidata-properties on this channel? [14:05:56] Is it possible to describe the following relationships? "rectifiers (linear units)" are replacing "Sigmoid functions" in the field of "neural networks" because of the "vaninishing boundary-problem"? There are wiki-items for all these properties. But I can't figure out, how one would describe the relation between "sigmoid functions" and the "vanishing boundary problem" [14:13:19] hm... not something I've ever tried to do, perhaps something like P156 (followed by) rectifiers on the item for sigmoid functions, with P828 (has cause) vanishing boundary problem as a qualifier would work [14:13:52] (there's also "follows" to link items in the other direction) [14:14:56] Oh. That's actually a good idea. [14:17:43] I also to express something like "sigmoid functions" <- are related to -> "vanishing boundary problem". Is this to vage for wikidata? doesn't work because of some constraints I don't understand. [14:18:03] “see also” is only to link properties [14:18:20] I don’t think there’s any property quite as general for items [14:25:33] @nikki: I tried to enter the relation here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q526668 It was expressed in the ML4A-Talk by Gene Kogan. How can I add this link as a reference? https://youtu.be/ED-_-JzvvFk?t=20m34s [14:50:15] noticed, that I have to use the YouTubeID property for this