[01:11:28] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q2526893&diff=358740306&oldid=358740227 copyright extends over two millenia after his birth, that's cheating ! [01:13:54] https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q24514800&diff=345751808&oldid=345751789 and that guy must have been an uberuberuberubersupergeneral by the end of his career ! [01:46:50] aude: Can you merge https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/306550 to fix travis? [01:47:01] Seeing it constantly failing is annoying :( [02:04:28] * aude clicks [02:05:10] * Sky2042 taps [02:06:10] :) [02:06:32] :( [02:06:50] * Sky2042 needs to go bug the Wikimedia cloaklords. [02:18:37] thanks, aude :) [08:50:52] Hi, I'm wondering if there are some extra requirements on the SPARQL queries when doing CONSTRUCT queries, towards the SPARQL endpoint at query.wikidata.org ? [08:51:13] samuell: I have absolutely no idea, good luck [08:51:31] (someone read your message and couldn't answer :p) [08:52:30] harmonia, Ok, thanks anyway :) [08:52:57] It seems to be a little picky [08:53:05] ... the sparql endpoint. [08:53:11] yes [08:53:20] but it's getting better [08:53:37] in October/november, half my queries went timeout [09:01:39] heh, alright, good to know [09:02:45] So, in this makefile, testquery1 and testquery2 works, but not testquery3: https://gist.github.com/samuell/a0f59a1647268fee5edf05022e1d6070 [09:03:02] (Testquery3 adapted from http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.se/2016/03/migrating-pka-data-from-drugmet-to.html ) [09:36:59] hi samuell [09:37:27] all: I just tried to reset my account pwd, but I am not getting an email... it's been >10 mins now... [09:38:50] Hi egonw [09:39:09] egonw: how did you forget? :O [09:39:26] egonw, Btw, I'm trying to understand what this, means, and whether it might affect anything: "Triples are not created in the result graph for template patterns that involve an unbound variable" (https://www.w3.org/2009/Talks/0615-qbe/) [09:43:42] samuell: can you also add to that gist a cool to the query.wikidata web GUI? [09:43:47] so that I can read the SPARQL? [09:44:57] egonw : checked your spam folder ? [09:45:28] egonw, The problem is that the UI does not support CONSTRUCT queries, but yea, let me try, for visualization reasons yea [09:45:57] egonw, Note that the gist in the mail is an updated one [09:47:01] egonw, AH, No, I was wrong about construct ... sorry [09:47:30] The UI DOES support it ... must have been something else that caused troubles, making me think it didnt ... [09:50:46] Alphos: yes, three times now :) [09:50:50] darn [09:55:22] egonw, Mailed you with new links [09:55:28] samuell: ok [09:57:44] egonw, Funny, I managed to make something out of it now, by having ?wikidata as subject [09:57:47] So, this works: https://query.wikidata.org/#CONSTRUCT%20%7B%20%3Fwikidata%20p%3AhaspKa%20%3FpKa%20%7D%0AWHERE%20%7B%20%0A%20%20%3Fwikidata%20p%3AP1117%20%3Ffoo%20%3B%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3Fcompound%20.%20%0A%20%20%3Ffoo%20a%20wikibase%3ABestRank%20%3B%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20ps%3AP1117%20%3FpKa%20.%20%0A%20%20OPTIONAL%20%7B%20%0A%20%20%20%20%3Ffoo%20prov%3AwasDerivedFrom%2F%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.wikidat [09:57:47] a.org%2Fprop%2Freference%2FP248%3E%20%3Fsource%20.%20%0A%20%20%20%20%3Fsource%20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3Ftitle%20.%20%0A%20%20%20%20OPTIONAL%20%7B%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Fsource%20wdt%3AP356%20%3Fdoi%20.%20%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%20%0A%20%20%20%20FILTER%28lang%28%3Ftitle%29%20%3D%20%22en%22%29%20%0A%20%20%7D%20%0A%20%20FILTER%28lang%28%3Fcompound%29%20%3D%20%22en%22%29%20%0A%7D [09:57:53] Oops [09:57:55] not nice [09:58:04] yes, just tried that one too [09:58:18] samuell: left high corner, you can have a tinyurl link [09:58:49] samuell: so, the key is to use this: CONSTRUCT { ?wikidata ?pKa ; rdfs:label ?compound } [09:59:03] samuell: actually, I know why it doesn't work [09:59:10] samuell: you cannot have a literal as a subject! :) [09:59:28] egonw, Ah :) [09:59:56] basic RDF that I overlooked too :) [10:00:01] Indeed, should have realised [10:00:20] rdfs:label is pretty clearly a literal, when you think about it :) [10:00:54] [x] lesson learned [10:01:29] harmonia that would be the right high corner ;) [10:02:00] Alphos: I don't know my left and my right, obviously >< [10:02:19] it's easy, your left is the one on your left ! [10:02:30] :D [10:04:17] harmonia, is that something in the webui? (Using xchat-gnome) [10:04:43] samuell: no I mean in query.wikidata.org [10:04:55] harmonia, Ah [10:05:05] right high corner you can generate a tinyurl [10:05:30] very useful indeed, thx! :) [10:05:40] samuell: and when you have run the query, right high corner of the results you can generate a tinyurl for the embed results [10:06:05] Ah, thats nice too [10:06:08] so you can point to query OR the results :) [10:06:20] great stuff [10:06:30] I think so too [10:25:14] Alphos: so, is the 'reset pwd' not working for you either? [10:28:32] i haven't tried [10:29:32] nope, works fine for me [10:29:43] mmm... ok, thanks for checking... [10:29:43] egonw are you sure you're looking at the right address ? [10:29:52] no... [10:30:04] it asks for an email address associated with the account... [10:30:10] that did not give complaints... [10:30:24] (yeah, stupid of me I forgot to write this down yesteady!!!!) [10:30:34] not sure it would, but i could try [10:31:05] If there is an email address associated with this username, then a password reset email will be sent. [10:31:10] problem is, you can only reset a pwd once a day... [10:31:18] it doesn't give that kind of info [10:31:24] so, not error message and no option for me to try a different email :( [10:34:17] Alphos: what's the From: address for the reset link? [10:34:38] wiki@wikimedia.org [10:36:01] thx [10:36:04] no, nothing :( [10:36:20] actually... I don't even see a confirmation email I created the new Wikidata account :( [10:36:35] Alphos: do you have powers to see any info about my account? [10:36:44] User:UreomicsBot [10:36:57] (or many some sysadmin listening in?) [10:37:18] none whatsoever i'm afraid [10:38:14] how many possible email addresses do you have ? [10:43:14] could be two domains... but I think I use my gmail adress... possibly, the "+" in the email address causes trouble... [10:43:19] but I got more trouble... [10:43:34] on my normal (non-bot) account... I cannot log in with the API either... [10:43:52] that account name is "Egon Willighagen"... [10:43:59] so, it's a proper Friday afternoon :( [10:48:18] heh [10:48:28] a good time to push to prod, innit ? :D [10:49:24] ah... shit... it seems I did not give an email address... [10:53:21] any sysadmin around who can help me out? lost my pwd of an account I created yesterday... [10:53:55] egonw: we can't [10:54:10] thats exactly why we suggest to give an email address :s [10:54:14] :) [10:54:17] point taken :) [10:54:31] OK, I'll just wait until the 24h time out is over then ... [10:56:50] harmonia: tho I think I did give one, actually... [10:57:34] egonw: no idea how to help you, I hope you can find [11:52:05] harmonia, Alphos: ok, thanks for the support... I created a new account (with email!)... my bot (under development) can now log in... [11:52:34] two lessons I learned: the API (or my bot code) is not happy about account names with spaces (I tried very many possible combinations of solutions) [11:53:03] two lessons I learned: 2nd, don't be stupid and forget to add an email address with an MediaWiki account [11:53:58] ^^ [11:54:11] seems like a very good advice actually :p [11:58:27] egonw have you tried replacing spaces with _ ? [11:58:37] yes [11:58:41] %20 and + too [11:58:44] or actually rawurlencoding nicknames ? [11:59:15] can you give an instance of nickname for which your bot failed ? [11:59:24] Egon_Willighagen [11:59:38] that's not where the bot will run in the end... [11:59:38] in what circumstance ? [11:59:46] at login ? [11:59:46] logging in... [11:59:49] yeah [12:00:00] using PBB_login.WDLogin() [12:00:02] that's odd, it should accept _ there [12:00:27] which class is that ? [12:00:57] from the bot code base from the Andrew Su team in San Diego: https://bitbucket.org/sulab/wikidatabots [12:01:12] the ProteinBoxBot team [12:01:41] I will need to check the WDLogin() function still, to see what that does to spaces... [12:01:55] I'm not saying that it's a problem at the Wikidata side! [12:02:26] I am now logging in with the Ureomics account, and that works fine [12:08:23] egonw you probably shouldn't be using clientlogin for a bot ; use login instead [12:09:06] Alphos: interesting point! looking into it... [12:09:40] then you'll have to check if ['login']['result'] === 'Success', or better yet if ['login']['lgusername'] == user [12:10:13] egonw https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login [12:10:38] btw, I will pass this info along to the PBB team [12:10:55] please do [12:11:15] clientlogin is for alternate clients displaying content to users ;) [12:28:53] Alphos: for the paper trail -> https://bitbucket.org/sulab/wikidatabots/issues/102/pbb_login-suggestions [13:55:32] Is this correct? "replaces" should be used a qualifier, but where does it makes sense... https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q18088904#P571 [14:00:00] sjoerddebruin: it reads to me know that the "inception" replaced two previous soccer teams [14:00:32] bc the qualifier is on the value... actually... a date replaces two teams? [14:00:42] sjoerddebruin: on "instance of"? (not convinced but "inception" urgh) [14:01:51] sjoerddebruin: if I see the use on Q76... it's the POTUS which is qualified... [14:02:26] harmonia: yes, on "instance of" looks in line with the use in Q76 [14:02:56] harmonia: but not fully... because there are many clubs and only one POTUS (in time) [14:03:27] aye, that's why I'm not so convinced [14:03:45] hmm [14:04:49] sjoerddebruin: did you check how this is done for "gemeentes"? [14:05:04] like that Eindhoven is a merger of several smaller "gemeentes"... [14:05:12] Hmmm, yes also on P31: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2114866 [14:05:13] * egonw is checking himself... curious [14:05:15] will go for that then [14:05:36] +1 [14:06:01] will still duplicate stuff though [14:06:07] harmonia: "municipality of the Netherlands" has many instances too, like "amateur football club" [14:11:30] but most football clubs contain coordinates and administrative territorials though, those shouldn't be there, there should be items for their places [14:11:48] because some moved from place to place... [14:12:40] sjoerddebruin: +1! [14:13:01] Take FC Groningen for example: they used to play near my current home but moved some years ago [14:13:43] sjoerddebruin: we could verif the place has the coordinates and then delete the info on the club entry [14:13:48] +y [14:14:05] that wouldn't be so much work, I think [14:14:19] sjoerddebruin: I did the same for the Tony awards: writers of plays where listed as winner of "best play" award [14:14:24] which is wrong [14:14:38] (and by the way a "best author" award also exist) [14:14:50] (which made the error even worse) [14:14:54] I've corrected hunderds of items a time ago, where visual artists were marked as performing artists. [14:15:04] (from the early days) [14:15:06] yes yes yes! [14:15:46] Let's hope the one that hasn't watched the chat for 17 days doesn't get annoyed by my ping. :P [14:16:18] I recently had Russian Wikisource pages about plays marked as "writer" [14:16:58] sometimes you weep [14:17:02] sigh [14:22:23] sjoerddebruin: well, it's been one afternoon, but getting a data model in shape is important, and I find the current examples very insightful :) [14:22:58] harmonia: I have that when looking at the chemistry entries :) [14:23:29] The most rewarding is the fact that, if you do a lot of work, you can see the effect in the entity suggester. \o/ [14:23:35] I think we have that on every domain, if we start digging [14:23:39] sjoerddebruin: oh yes! [14:23:57] that's my quiet rewards :) [14:24:29] Will take a while till https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P115 shows up though. [14:25:20] probably but it *will* shows up [14:25:27] sjoerddebruin: mmm... a superproperty of that one would be useful for other things... [14:25:38] e.g. think Philips moving their HQ [14:25:48] * egonw will shut up too... [14:25:53] HQ's go in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P159 [14:25:54] and back to focusing on metabolites... [14:26:10] the rest could go in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P276 with qualifiers [14:26:20] sjoerddebruin: yeah, I mean, should those not have a shared superprop? [14:26:36] location is the supergroup, but it's being used for also a lot of other things [14:26:55] but P115 is not now subprop of location ... [14:27:43] now it is :P [14:29:48] +10 :) [15:06:21] hi, I'm currently looking into quality assessment of wikidata items in general. As part of it, I'm also looking at Ontology enrichment of wikidata. Does anyone know of any past work in this regard(if exists) ? or thoughts on if it'd be beneficial? [15:06:46] Andrew Su's team is working on this too... [15:06:50] codezee: I'm not on my own computer so no links [15:07:00] codezee: but there are several projects [15:07:03] and tools [15:07:20] codezee: are you on twitter? then I can hook you up [15:07:43] egonw: yes, i'm on twitter [15:08:22] * egonw will need an account :) or ping me there at: @egonwillighagen :) [15:09:52] egonw: just followed you [15:10:51] thx [15:11:01] you got mail ... um... you got tweet ? [15:11:08] well, you get the point :) [15:11:51] also check the wd mailing list about aligning schema.org with wd... [15:13:00] egonw: yes I see, :) [15:17:18] Well, time to start. :P [15:17:19] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User%3ASjoerddebruin%2FDutch_sports_venues [15:17:26] Golfclubs need different P31, it seems [15:54:54] sjoerddebruin: Yeah, we have a large amount of subsets that are quite rough [15:55:34] Don't forget about https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q847017 btw [16:02:19] multichill: I know, slowly improving. :) [16:05:03] The only downside is that, if you want to do everything correctly, you end up with situations like this: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q14512375 [16:14:40] what would be the best way to get aggregate info on items, like if I want to know the % of external links which are dead? [16:14:56] do I go through all the items, or is there a way to work on a subset of items [16:46:26] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:27] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:28] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:29] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:30] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:31] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:32] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:33] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:34] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:35] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:36] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:36] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:38] TE MATARE CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS HIJO DE PERRA ALVARO MOLINA [16:46:46] !ops StaapSoddv [16:47:04] Thanks sjoerddebruin [16:47:17] no problem [17:31:56] Is it just me or does the input of qualifiers doesn't get focused anymore after selecting a property? [17:58:57] Alphos: please check the replies on your login comments... https://bitbucket.org/sulab/wikidatabots/issues/102/pbb_login-suggestions [17:59:48] (I love when several of my interests collide: a RADA alumna who is also a fantasy writer!) [18:00:35] egonw : i can't make him read the documentation, i just hope he ends up doing that [18:58:05] sjoerddebruin: Did you see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Database_reports/removed_sitelinks/nlwiki ? , ping Alphos too ;-) [18:58:22] No, that page is new for me. [18:58:50] It's an overview of pages on the Dutch Wikipedia that recently lost their link to Wikidata [18:58:57] news to me, but \o/ [18:59:07] Looks much better than https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gebruiker:Multichill/Zandbak :-) [18:59:51] Do we have some toy to easily create an item for a disambiguation page and tag it like that? [19:00:08] It doesn't handle page moves correctly, though. See Kross. [19:00:18] multichill: there was a button in Duplicity [19:00:32] Dawid Kruiper (gemeente) is also a bit weird [19:00:56] Actually Kross is correct [19:01:03] It's now disconnected [19:01:09] oh right [19:02:06] Do we already have a report of disambiguation pages with a wikidata item? That's quite easy [19:03:04] with? [19:03:16] erhm, without [19:03:46] not afaik [19:07:42] sjoerddebruin: https://tools.wmflabs.org/multichill/queries/nlwp/unconnected_disambiguation.txt are all disambiguation pages without a Wikidata item [19:07:54] not bad