[00:21:24] SMalyshev: no, it runs very quickly when I use the interface on the website [07:20:45] I'd like to activate https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:TMg/currentDate.js for wikidata but I'm not sure how to do that ? [07:46:11] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Tobias1984/common.js [07:51:36] dachary, Have to run. But you just have to add it to your common.js [07:51:44] dachary, Bye! [08:03:12] smith>? [08:28:50] tobias47n9e_: thanks for the tip ! [08:48:52] tobias47n9e_: and it works, neat :-) I got that reading Lydia_WMDE office hour [10:23:57] Is it technically possible to develop complex constraints as "simple" ones? [10:24:00] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#Let.27s_make_a_Constraint:Contemporary [10:30:36] is http://www.webcitation.org/ or something similar recommended to preserve the page and avoid loosing it when the site is reworked ? [10:31:05] Why not simply web.archive.org? [10:41:05] it's useful when the page is lost, but can you get an archive.org URL right away ? or do you have to wait for the bot to retrieve it ? [10:41:09] abian: ^ [10:42:05] if it doesn’t have a page you can tell it to retrieve it now [10:42:28] ... using web.archive.org/save/YourURL [14:11:02] WikidataFacts: abian good to know thanks [19:26:44] In Wikidata SparQL is it possible to filter out all items with a specific statement? [19:30:02] abbe98: yes, with MINUS { ?item wdt:something wd:somethingElse. }