[06:27:21] Umm, logo wtf? :P [06:27:39] Birthday? [06:29:45] Ah, indeed... [06:32:14] Which version is being used, the png or the svg? [06:33:38] (assuming that it’s being grabbed from commons, it should be protected… doesn’t show up as ‘used' [06:35:33] png, according to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [06:36:30] Cool, protected for a month, which sould be sufficent. [06:36:37] *should [06:45:32] (Also pinged Hoo man, who changed it, letting him know) [06:47:01] nikki: Thanks, btw. Didn’t know where to look. [06:47:11] no problem :) [06:47:57] (heh) I figured you would not mind. :P [06:48:20] Last thing needed s it suddenly becoming a penis. [06:50:58] We should double-check that the ‘normal’ logo (whatever version is normally used) is infedinitly full-pro. [06:54:16] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikidata-logo-en-135px.png I would assume. [12:23:07] Lydia_WMDE: like this: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Nearby#/coord/38.897669444444,-77.03655 [12:23:38] we just need to add a way to get to this, such as a small widget that is a gadget (and ideally proper part of an extension) [12:24:34] works well :} [12:40:25] ooh cool [15:37:33] * hoo is back [15:37:37] close call, but made it [15:37:39] into the train [15:39:08] !merge 246781 [15:39:08] merge merge merge MERGEEEEEEEEEEEEE https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/246781/ [15:42:57] is it possible to add a parameter to wbcreateclaim that doesn't create a new claim if that exists already? [15:43:00] It can save me [15:43:05] Lydia_WMDE: aude^ [16:00:36] !nyan [16:00:36] ~=[,,_,,]:3 [16:01:37] Amir1: i'm not sure it's possible now, but suppose it could be possible [16:04:07] thanks aude [16:05:08] Amir1: if that's somethign you want, then i suggest create a phabricator task [16:05:19] I was writing it [16:05:20] so we don't forget :) [16:05:20] :) [16:40:26] is it possible to easily get an interwiki link for another language? ie. go from 'Cat' to 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B0' [16:42:21] Should be; looks like they're already linked. [16:42:29] meh, tests on master broken for me [16:42:30] Are the links not showing up in the sidebar for you? [16:42:31] will debug [16:42:41] ajr: I mean programmatically :) [16:42:50] oh lol :3 [16:43:20] a friend was expecting some kind of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat?interwiki=ru that would redirect, but there's nothing like that [16:43:21] * ajr is not one of the technically useful people [16:43:29] so next try is querying wikidata [16:43:40] PovAddict: That's doable, give me a second [16:45:19] PovAddict: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=langlinks&titles=Cat&redirects=&lllimit=500 [16:45:38] If you want to go via Wikipedia (that also includes non-Wikidata langlinks, should there be any) [16:49:13] PovAddict: If you want to go via Wikidata, use https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=wbgetentities&sites=enwiki&titles=Cat&props=sitelinks [16:49:27] Sorry for the slow response, am in the train and the internet sucks :P [16:53:02] have all interwiki links been moved to wikidata? [16:53:47] Almost all of them... I don't have numbers, though [16:54:02] I'm afraid to ask how I can help [16:54:21] * PovAddict doesn't actually have the time but is easily attracted by these things >.> [16:54:43] That process is mostly done, but there's a lot of other things that could need a help [16:56:24] so much to do, so little time [16:56:37] so many ways to procrastinate and do none of those things I have to do [18:59:35] It seems reports constantly get lost https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T70793