[08:39:25] New patchset: Markus Kroetzsch; "Caching mechanism for property table hashes" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/28948 [09:11:28] New review: Markus Kroetzsch; "I agree with the other reviews. This does not fix the problem at its root." [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master); V: 0 C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/26343 [10:37:38] Are there ways to pimp the searchlabel= output ? [10:55:37] hi, anyone knows how can i inject some HTML text at mediawiki panel (navigation links)?? [11:14:04] Hi JeroenDeDauw, how can i inject some HTML text at mediawiki panel (navigation links) through my extension? [11:27:46] Change merged: Jeroen De Dauw; [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMaps] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/28932 [12:58:23] Change merged: Jeroen De Dauw; [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/28948 [13:06:32] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Fixed some queries that where not using mw db abstraction layer and failing on any setup with table prefix" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29302 [13:33:40] New review: Nischayn22; "Irrelevant to this patch: The count mechanism needs still to be tested" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master); V: 0 C: 1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29302 [14:02:28] hi, anyone knows how can i inject HTML Text at media wiki panel (navigation) through my extension? Thanks a lot! [14:03:52] Mariana_: Try the SkinTemplateTabs hook [14:04:15] I have no idea which one is the navigation :D [14:06:00] at the left side of media wiki, you have a panel with many links for navigation, right? [14:06:54] for instance, main page, feeds, random page, etc [14:07:56] I use $wgHooks['BaseTemplateToolbox'][] = 'wfNavTree'; for that [14:08:01] for my extension, i will get out this links, and i need to put other thing (in this case, a folder explorer) [14:10:34] the page media:sidebar you can also modify the content. But that field isnt accepting semactic syntax or other stuff. [14:14:02] and what's the name of class ? [14:20:17] Use view source in your browser. I dont know which skin you are using. [14:24:16] Vector.php [14:27:52] i'm trying not use and modify the Vector.php, but is it more easy right? I think that there are functions that render over what i wanted, understand? [14:29:01] but i only think because i dont know :) [14:37:07] I always use other extensions to learn off. There is a sidemap extension with a good example. [14:40:31] hum .. where? [14:42:24] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:SkinBuildSidebar_extensions [14:43:54] thanks, i will try [14:46:55] good luck. [16:16:45] New patchset: Yaron Koren; "New version: 0.3.3" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticCompoundQueries] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29336 [16:19:20] Change merged: Yaron Koren; [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticCompoundQueries] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29336 [16:33:41] Change merged: Markus Kroetzsch; [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29302 [16:55:40] New patchset: Markus Kroetzsch; "Fixed reference to outdated table name" [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/29340 [19:42:25] Is there a way to use the #urlget: inside something like {{{field|Some Field|input type=checkboxes|values from category=Category_{{#urlget:Template_1[VariableName]}}}}}? [19:46:01] voldial: maybe try extension Variables [19:46:23] ok will do. [19:46:27] {{#vardefine:url|{{#urlget:Template_1[VariableName]}}}} [19:46:54] {{{field|Some Field|input type=checkboxes|values from category=Category_{{#var:url}}}}} [19:47:30] Extension:Variables: where would we be without it? [19:50:00] I know [19:54:25] is there a way to initialize a talk page with a default template? [19:54:39] if I wanted to set it up for DISQUS discussions, for example? [19:55:17] or if I could create a default talk page for an entire namespace, that would be great. [19:58:15] Saruman, much appreciated I was on my other desktop trying exactly that... but it's not working exactly. http://fpaste.org/JzCL/raw/ [20:07:19] hm. I constructed a more simple test without a form and it works... lets me do {{#vardefineecho:vartwo|{{#urlget:itsavardammit}}}} [20:14:19] voldial: It could very well be that the value passed to that parameter is not parsed by SF [20:18:40] Ftrott, it does seem SF specific... I get different behavior if I put it at the end of the form... the same thing gives me: {{#vardefineecho:bvar|Tower%20Isolated%20Digital%20Interface}} (as the output) if it's below the {{{end template}}} instead of above {{{for template|template_name}}} [20:20:28] voldial: The parts of the form outside the SF specific tags (e.g. {{{field...}}} ) are parsed. Most of the parameters of the SF specific tags are not parsed. [20:21:44] Ftrott, if I understand you correctly, then my example (since it's not a SF specific tag) should work... [20:25:05] voldial: Don't know. This nowiki stuff certainly looks odd. Never seen anything like that [20:26:24] voldial: Oh, wait. could you change the vardefineecho to {{#vardefineecho:bvar|{{#urlget:Board_Version_Template_1[Board Name]}} }}? I.e. put a süace between the braces? [20:26:30] *space [20:32:28] let me try that.... but I might have just found a solution... either fixing another syntax error fixed my 'issue' or doing everything in a template included in the form fixed my issue.. not sure which yet... but the nowiki thing is fixed. [20:34:29] Ftrott - by the way, what's the logic around parsing of the "values..." parameters in SF? [20:34:48] I should know this, of course, but you've done a lot more work on adding parsing to certain params. [20:35:05] Would it make sense to just parse all of them? [20:35:12] Yaron: :D I was going to point out that you should know [20:35:22] Yes, one would think. :) [20:35:56] voldial: putting everything in a template would help. The thing is, forms can not be parsed properly if there are triple braces anywhere except around the special SF tags. [20:36:41] Yaron: It might help. Would have to be analyzed if there could be security issues [20:36:43] Ftrott: voldial: well, you can create "form templates", that have all the curly brackets escaped, so they only get parsed at the right time. [20:37:21] Ftrott: right, that's part of the reason I've stayed away from it; that, and all the mess around the Parser object. [20:38:22] Thanks Yaron, I'll go read up on form templates and escaping [20:38:27] s/mess/difficulties and things I don't understand/ [20:38:47] Alright, cool. [20:40:03] drobbins: I suppose you could use Semantic Forms and "Creates pages with form" for that, though it might be weird. [20:41:50] Yaron: well I am using create pages with form for the non-talk page. [20:42:12] the talk page for an entire namespace can be identical page content that just calls a template. [20:42:25] that would enable DISQUS comments on the discussion page. [20:42:27] Right - well, you could try it out. [20:44:40] Where can I read about escaping? I dont see anything @ http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Semantic_Forms_and_templates [20:46:12] voldial: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms/Defining_forms#Reusing_form_elements [20:52:31] New patchset: Foxtrott; "Calendar view for the filtered format." [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticResultFormats] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/27831 [21:00:53] Yaron, I tried this a few ways, no luck so far, it says "the characters within the form elements need to be HTML-escaped" does this mean if the template has {{{field|somestuff}}} that I need to change that to {{{field|somestuff}} ? if somestuff is actually {{#urlget:urlvar}} then I assume I replace those curlies with html notation... but the help is a bit ambiguous. [21:01:47] You also need to escape the curly brackets, but yes. For the #urlget thing, though - I don't know. [21:03:50] You mean if I have {{{field|somestuff}}} in a template I gotta do {{{field|somestuff}}} instead of {{{field|somestuff}}} [21:09:49] voldial: yes. [21:10:29] ...or, conversely, just put ... around the whole tag. [21:10:55] ...except for the part that you want to get parsed. [21:10:55] Yaron, hm. I must still be doing something wrong. I'll keep working on it. so basically, in general, ya what u just said. start and end the included template with and [21:11:24] oo. except for... the urlget part in my case... so I need 2 blocks.... [21:14:09] Yeah. [21:15:57] so in my form I have: | {{Template:Temptemplate}} [21:16:11] and Temptemplate contains [21:16:20] {{{field|Designator Classes|input type=checkboxes|values from category=Designator_Class_Category_{{#urlget:Board_Version_Template_1[Board Name]}}}}} [21:18:53] this works if I just use values from category the normal way, without trying to modify the name with #urlget and without using a template. but when I do it this way, I get nothing... no syntax error or extra chars in the form... but where the values from category should be there is nothing. I verified that the category wchic it should be referring to based on the var I am passing in the URL does exist and has members.... and as I said it work [21:18:53] s if I do it manually... I'll keep debugging. [21:19:26] (get nothing means for that field only, the rest of the form shows up) [21:21:28] is there a SF sandbox somewhere? [21:24:20] voldial: http://scratchpad.referata.com/ [21:25:48] Ftrott, awesome thanks. I may have just figured it out. My GET request var Board Name had %20's instead of underscores or spaces, and the category name wasnt matching. replacing the %20's with _'s fixed that and it appears to work now. [21:26:08] Cool [21:53:03] I have a bunch of pages that get listed by a form using {{{field|Some Field|input type=checkboxes|values from category=Category_mycat}}} is there a way to replace the pagenames that "values from category" returns with something else? My page names are just auto-numbered indexes, and I need to show some additional info that they each contain instead of their name when selecting them on the form. [21:57:38] Hi guys... I've got a form with quite a few inputs, and I'd like to have groups of fields display based on one of a set of titles listed vertically on the left side of my page. In other words, I'd like the fields to show up similar to how they do with show on select, I just want the selects to look like a vertical menu. Is there anything like this available? [21:58:19] You want to replace the page names with a title or something, but clicking it goes to the page? [22:04:07] What about using "values from property=", if the replacement text is a property on your page. And if it's not, you could make it one using templates. [22:04:24] that assumes each page is unique [22:35:44] salquint - you could probably do it using some CSS. [22:37:38] Thanks Yaron, I'll hit the books. [22:38:09] salquint - is the big question how to get a set of checkboxes or radiobuttons to show up as a vertical list? [22:39:28] That is a question I have for other things, but in this case I'd like the verticals to be more like a menu (without the boxes or radio buttons) [22:47:57] salquint - I'm not sure I understand... maybe what you want is Header Tabs? [22:49:09] Good point... header tabs is exactly what i want, but I want vertical tabs [22:53:37] if I do {{{field|Some Field|input type=checkboxes|values from category=Category_mycat}}} how do I get the results to show up in a list or table? Right now they are just one after another and line wrapped. [22:57:39] salquint - okay; that may be possible with CSS, but my guess is you'll have to stick with horizontal. :( [22:59:29] voldial: http://smw.referata.com/wiki/Display_form_checkboxes_in_an_orderly_table [23:08:54] Thanks for the link... in the short run I could probably live with radio buttons and show on select [23:13:24] Right, it's sort of apropos to your question as well. Though "show on select" works rather differently from Header Tabs.