[00:54:55] Octetus, I'm not sure there's anyone currently around with access, though if you send an email to tech[at]miraheze.org, someone should be able to help whenever they're next available. [00:57:42] Thank you very much, Voidwalker [01:08:36] Octetus: It looks your wiki database was only dropped in February 2021, so there should still be an XML dump of your wiki in @Reception123's deleted backups. See: https://phabricator.miraheze.org/P388. If you want, you can go to https://phabricator.miraheze.org/, create a task, and request to have your it imported into your recreated wiki. What is your wiki username, so we can recreate your wiki for you? [01:08:36] [ ✎ P388 Deleted wikis 28/02/2021 ] - phabricator.miraheze.org [01:08:37] [ Main Page ] - phabricator.miraheze.org [01:09:23] dmehus: Thank you so much! My username is "pinho" [01:09:43] Octetus: No problem. I'm looking that up now, and will recreate your wiki [01:13:42] dmehus: In fact, I don't need to recreate a new wiki. Only a dump would do. [01:14:42] Would there be a way for me to download any kind of dump from the dropped database? [01:15:40] dmehus: Ah, I see you've created a new wiki. Thank you very much. [01:16:12] Octetus: Oh, were you looking to self-host the wiki? If so, I can delete the wiki, but if you'd like to host it with us, then you can use this one [01:16:21] Was your wiki public or private? [01:16:38] If it was public, there should be a public XML dump on archive.org. I can try and help you find it [01:17:40] dmehus: I was looking to be the least trouble to you :-) For now, I was about to revise the old data (to which I have to backup)... [01:17:41] The only caveat is your dump won't include the images; it'll just be the page revisions from your wiki [01:18:01] No problem, I don't remember having any important images (if any at all) [01:18:05] Octetus: oh okay, so we'll keep the recreated wiki then, and import it there for you [01:18:31] dmehus: That's brilliant. Again, many thanks! [01:26:10] Looks like the wiki is listed in an October 2019 backup, but that's the most recent (public) I'm seeing https://archive.org/details/wikibackups27102019.tar [01:26:10] [ wikibackups27102019.tar : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ] - archive.org [01:54:17] Voidwalker: October 2019 would be sufficient. Thank you. [01:59:26] Forgive me for leaving, but it's 03:00 AM here... I must go to bed. Allow me to thank you two in advance. [13:28:50] https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T7230 - High I/O on cloud nodes affecting GlusterFS, authored by RhinosF1, assigned to Paladox, Priority: High, Status: Open [13:28:51] https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T7214 - Write docs for GHSA, authored by RhinosF1, assigned to RhinosF1, Priority: High, Status: Open [17:04:40] Hello sean56! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon. [17:04:58] hi [17:05:44] i made a wiki on miraheze a while back and im having an issue with it atm [20:43:35] @sean56, what's the issue? [22:36:31] dmehus: How has Miraheze been doing in my absence? [22:36:43] XD [22:59:27] hispano76, good, I think. I actually didn't realize you were gone, as I'm just so used to seeing your username on IRC :D [22:59:44] how long were you gone for? [23:05:35] Daily conversations, almost a month [23:05:50] or more [23:15:48] 2021-04-18 19:23:04 my last greeting [23:21:18] dmehus: Anything I don't know? XD