[01:15:12] Hello Anpang! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon. [01:18:34] Our wiki is dedicated to a software project. We will be releasing v2 soon(ish) and as almost every page will become outdated I would like to migrate all the existing pages to a 'v1' namespace or a subnamespace if that exists so they can be archived for posterity but new pages can take their place. Is there any good way to do this or a better way to approach the problem? [01:49:32] darkmatterman450, looks like the Discord RfC finally got closed, which is why the roles changed [01:51:29] I saw that it was closed based on community consensus. [05:32:05] @Reception123 Are you able to clear out my Echo notifications? I have a phantom notification that won't go away [05:32:33] @dorito sure, is it a private or deleted wiki? [05:32:41] Private [05:32:52] ok, do you know which one? [05:32:59] yeah, cosmoswiki [05:33:17] ok, thanks, will do [05:33:23] Thanks [05:35:11] done :) [05:36:04] I still have the "1" indicator on the Notices icon, although the notification in the notices window itself is now gone [05:37:02] Nevermind, marking a previous one as unread and then read again fixed it [11:06:30] Note that installing it as a gadget would make it unavailable for annons. You can use the Popups or Page Previews (not sure what is written as in ManageWiki) extension if you want annons to be able to view previews, too. [11:40:12] Hello jurjendevries[m]! If you have any questions, feel free to ask and someone should answer soon. [11:40:42] Hi all :-) [11:41:14] I requested a wiki, but got just declined. I tried to find out why. https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/17878 . Thanks for helping. [11:41:21] [ Wiki requests queue - Miraheze Meta ] - meta.miraheze.org [11:43:27] Could you possibly explain what the purpose of your wiki will be in approximately 2-3 sentences at the least? [11:44:14] I declined it because it needed more details. [11:48:24] * jurjendevries[m] uploaded an image: (174KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/pJbMvOoKlQLBDilkOuBXcqvk/MG_1049-683x1024.jpg > [11:48:24] * jurjendevries[m] uploaded an image: (201KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nuePaqOQUvnRrnoKygVpYabw/bbmuurtje_merlin-1024x724.jpg > [11:48:25] * jurjendevries[m] uploaded an image: (199KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/uveDMmfdHNRssTLpNpxLoiQh/Het-levende-dorp-maquette-Merlin-Kater-NL.jpg > [11:48:46] Yes thank you, it is a common resource of building housing as basic need by abundance. So for how to build a house with an open hardware 3D printer, resources of 3D models, open source modelling software that can do con-structure, but also more naturally by trees. I show some photos to give a more visualized impressions for what it is about. [11:49:36] * jurjendevries[m] uploaded an image: (207KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/fSIOkYFUEThpkAXutgtFTvRj/Tecla_3D_printed_house_WASP_img1.jpg > [11:51:45] ✅ Approved from the description you gave here. [11:52:21] Thank you , really appreciated :-) [14:29:59] @ ]/c [15:18:29] in 2018 it was starting around 1.000 USD for 80 square meters. [15:19:50] Is SPF still active at Miraheze community? Didn't talked with him for years... [15:20:36] yes SPF|Cloud is currently the Director of Site Reliability Engineering [15:20:48] though he is quite busy IRL so you won't always catch him around [15:20:52] usually he's more active on weekends [15:21:21] cool [15:21:36] You had a prior account before? [15:23:14] Not that I am aware of. For Permanent Future Lab I started the a miraheze wiki back in 2015 or so, and SPF helped a lot, even came to visit one of our real life events [15:23:38] Hey Jurjen :) [15:23:48] Hey there you are :-) [15:23:52] How are you? [15:24:00] It's been a long time... [15:24:13] Ah, I see. [15:24:47] I'm fine, 'bijna weekend' [15:25:27] haha yes, they say you are active mostly in weekends [15:25:39] Without doubts [15:25:50] Life is not the same as in 2015 [15:25:52] I've children nowadays, 4 years old. So most of the weekends are busy [15:26:41] Cool :P [15:26:46] We should do a video call [15:29:11] I have PM'd you, hopefully that works [15:30:14] by the way, has anyone here ever used Semantic MediaWiki? If that gets installed on MH, I would like to see how it works so I can see if it's worth switching my db from Cargo to SMW [16:31:06] hello [16:31:29] uhh anyone know how to remove the whole "Template: Wikidata image" redlink [17:22:36] /b/b 6