[15:17:46] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Happy fathers day to all! [17:59:08] @revi lol only you would use irc to talk in discord when youve already been using discord [17:59:29] because chatting on discord will make MH-Discord ping me on IRC [17:59:37] chatting on IRC does not ping me on Discord [17:59:55] atleast im not the only one it does that too [18:00:00] lol [18:00:15] That's why I do this :p [18:00:15] I just add the mhdiscord to my no highlight list [18:01:23] I think IRCCloud requires me to completely ignore the nick to do so [18:02:42] Revi i use monkeygrease or whatever its called and a custom js script i made to prevent notification popups from certains nicks [18:02:51] heh [18:02:56] (I use firefox) [18:03:14] I use Safari for daily live