[16:30:22] !logs [16:30:22] Channel logs available at http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/browser/index.php?display=%23brickimedia [21:54:56] ashley: afternoon! how are you doing? :D [21:55:45] afternoon SamanthaNguyen; I'm okay, you? :) [21:56:04] ashley: doing swell! Just got home and relaxing [21:56:19] awesome \o/ [21:57:04] Yep! also wrote like 2 tickets at around 1 am yesterday :P [21:57:15] then proceeded to wake up 5 hours later :{P [21:57:46] oh dear :o [21:58:11] it's okay, i'm not that tired right now :P [21:58:41] I'm pretty sure you're already of both of them, one of them is https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T156736 [21:59:51] the other I typed out surprisingly in 10 minutes on a phone :P I'll link it to you in PM [22:02:28] on the other hand, it's a sensible request, but on the other hand, it feels a bit overkill because the way I see it, Comments is supposed to be sorta lightweight. in any case, no matter what happens, I will *not* be endorsing the "treat comments as wiki pages" model for the very reason that you mentioned on the ticket [22:06:49] *already seen both of them [22:08:24] ashley: Yeah, that's what I'm thinking basically