[09:09:42] !logs [09:09:42] Channel logs available at http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/browser/index.php?display=%23brickimedia [21:54:21] hi SamanthaNguyen \o your cloak stuff should almost be ready, I hear, they just need a confirmation from you; also, how's stuff? [22:05:37] ashley: afternoon o/ how are ya? :P [22:06:27] hi SamanthaNguyen :) tired but otherwise OK, you? also did you see my previous message re:cloak? [22:07:04] Oh yep just saw it, iI think you said it's almost ready? [22:07:08] *I think [22:07:21] alright so uh how do I confirm it? :P [22:08:52] um, no idea, sorry >.< maybe ask in #countervandalism ? you may use the magic word !staff to alert all staffers and someone should then rather swiftly help you out [22:09:29] ah, that's alright :-) thanks