[21:19:03] [13extensions] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/-eY6Rw [21:19:03] 13extensions/06master 14875e836 15UltrasonicNXT: Update comments! [21:19:29] * Lcawte watches Brickimedia explode horrificily [21:19:48] [13LocalSettings] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/aeXIvw [21:19:48] 13LocalSettings/06master 14058c412 15UltrasonicNXT: Comments sort config [21:20:09] Lcawte: is it that bad? :P [21:20:45] I have no idea, I just expect the worst when it comes to installing major rewrites ;) [21:22:36] Ok site's down [21:22:40] Not Comments though! [21:22:43] It's refreshed [21:23:03] georgebarnick: PHP Notice: Undefined index: mobileimg in /var/www/core/skins/Refreshed/Refreshed.skin.php [21:23:16] tell mtmnc [21:23:25] how? [21:23:30] idk [21:23:38] bug ticket and assign him to it? [21:23:43] hmm what commit was that [21:23:48] It's kinda more urgent than that [21:23:55] site's down becuase of it [21:24:08] mobileimg worked fine before and I don't think it's changed [21:25:18] site's not down for me btw [21:25:48] only pages with are broken for me [21:25:57] http://en.brickimedia.org/wiki/Brickipedia_News:Argh!_Pirates_descriptions_found!#comment-3409 [21:26:02] vs http://en.brickimedia.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges [21:26:30] why'd you just switch back to refreshed 2 [21:26:31] what are you doing [21:26:40] it's not refreshed that's broken, it's comments [21:26:55] UltrasonicNXT ping [21:27:10] yeah [21:27:16] it was refreshed though [21:27:26] I fixed refreshed, now comments is also broken [21:27:35] no lol because before you switched back to refreshed 2.0, I was on refreshed 3.0 and everything worked fine [21:27:53] except pages with [21:27:58] that PHP Notice is not a fatal error [21:28:15] it's not breaking anything [21:28:20] it's been working for several days [21:28:24] hasn't changed [21:29:01] oh right [21:29:02] please put it back on refreshed 3.0 so that people aren't confused [21:29:08] that was all I saw on the error logs [21:29:15] UltrasonicNXT: That php notice shouldn't break the site... [21:29:35] we can fix that php notice but it wasnt breaking anything :) [21:29:38] georgebarnick: damn I forgot refreshed is no longer on master [21:29:42] yeah my mistake [21:29:43] yeah lol [21:29:47] thanks [21:30:29] what's the branch called? it can't find refreshed-beta [21:31:01] ignore that [21:31:02] sorted [21:31:29] is refreshed-beta ever going to get merged into master? It's going to get very confusing if it never does... [21:48:08] Lcawte: just added you to a comments patch, can you merge it for me? :) [21:48:41] I saw the patch when you submitted it initially, ashley should review it. [21:52:30] urgh it's one line can't you just do it? :) [21:53:37] Lcawte: dw, Jack's just done it [21:54:45] [13extensions] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/mCSfdQ [21:54:45] 13extensions/06master 14b89b85a 15UltrasonicNXT: Update comments [22:17:10] yes it will be