[20:27:33] [13LocalSettings] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/t4AmUA [20:27:33] 13LocalSettings/06master 146e538e9 15UltrasonicNXT: Redirect UploadAvatar to meta [20:30:53] [13LocalSettings] 15UltrasonicNXT pushed 1 new commit to 06master: 02http://git.io/Y1c5SQ [20:30:53] 13LocalSettings/06master 14ea06afa 15UltrasonicNXT: Does case matter? [21:47:55] yes [21:48:03] well........ [21:48:07] aliases I think [21:51:01] legoktm: Adam isn't here and I'm too busy dealing with database server disk issues to relay that ;) [21:51:10] But then again, you have gH ... [21:53:19] :| [21:53:28] I just need to boot up my VM and check [21:54:01] but busy :( [21:54:45] Did you get my email? I keep forgetting to up my ZNC backlog in -dev. [21:56:04] yes, but I haven't had a chance to look into it yet, sorry [21:56:24] I have a crazy branch right now with a semi-working config db that I've been hacking on [21:56:48] No problem, just didn't want to be sat here for the next year waiting on a reply that you'd given me while I was asleep ;) [21:58:53] legoktm: As in like ... a db backend for Config? :) [21:59:31] yes [21:59:45] * Lcawte throws bags of coins from SW ad revenue at legoktm [22:00:27] heh [22:10:08] Then all that's left to deal with at SW is images and job queues :)