[00:11:05] ok so on 7.0.5 the "feeds = " value somehow got reset during the day [00:11:10] not sure what logs to produce [00:11:26] but the feeds are most definitely gone, despite having been .save'd and working at some point [06:23:10] xnaas: what's the commands you are using to add it? [06:23:18] Because .save won't help [12:44:25] .rss add ##ChannelName APOD https://apod.nasa.gov/apod.rss [12:44:25] [ The Elephant's Trunk Nebula in Cepheus ] - apod.nasa.gov [12:44:29] as an example [12:44:31] DM'd to bot [12:44:37] it will spam post everything [12:44:46] then maybe get 1 post in later, next time it updates [12:45:08] then never again and I check default.cfg and it's empty of all feeds (there's several I've added in the past, but even with just 1 this happens) [12:50:22] xnaas: using .rss add and then without any command after restarting it [12:50:50] Hmm, assuming what channel are you actually trying [12:51:54] It should save config on shutdown https://github.com/MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots/blob/release-8-0-0/MirahezeBots/plugins/rss.py#L396 [12:51:55] [ MirahezeBots/rss.py at release-8-0-0 · MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots · GitHub ] - github.com [12:52:41] Different channel name but same ##NameFormat like that [12:52:47] And after .add https://github.com/MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots/blob/release-8-0-0/MirahezeBots/plugins/rss.py#L919 [12:52:47] [ MirahezeBots/rss.py at release-8-0-0 · MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots · GitHub ] - github.com [12:53:28] Well, it may save the config...but something causes it to be reset. :( [12:53:59] and I can verify it's saving IDs of presumably seen posts into the default.db [12:55:01] xnaas: do you see any message like https://github.com/MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots/blob/release-8-0-0/MirahezeBots/plugins/rss.py#L526 [12:55:01] [ MirahezeBots/rss.py at release-8-0-0 · MirahezeBots/MirahezeBots · GitHub ] - github.com [12:55:09] With log set to debug [21:12:07] Why do I keep arguing with with obviously stupid people? [22:40:39] Sario528: i really dont know, I have the same problme sometiems