[08:48:36] QuIRC: file them using https://phab.bots.miraheze.wiki/maniphest/task/edit/form/3/?projects=MirahezeBot%252Creproducible_on_beta&priority=Unbreak!&parent=46 [08:48:37] [ Login ] - phab.bots.miraheze.wiki [08:50:39] .present [08:50:39] * MirahezeBotBeta gives None a present [08:50:43] .coffee [08:50:43] * MirahezeBotBeta gives None a nice warm cup of coffee [08:50:48] That's one bug [08:54:24] I mean https://phab.bots.miraheze.wiki/maniphest/task/edit/form/3/?projects=MirahezeBot%2Creproducible_on_beta&priority=Unbreak!&parent=46 [08:54:25] [ Login ] - phab.bots.miraheze.wiki [08:54:38] Filed https://phab.bots.miraheze.wiki/T51 [08:54:39] [ ⚓ T51 goofy outputs None when no user is given rather than asking whom? ] - phab.bots.miraheze.wiki [10:32:06] .help rss [10:33:09] .help [10:33:09] I've posted a list of my commands at https://clbin.com/zOa5O - You can see more info about any of these commands by doing .help (e.g. .help time) [11:34:34] .ping [11:34:34] Pong! [11:34:34] Pong! [11:37:48] T30 [11:37:50] https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T30 - Puppetize Math extension stuff, authored by Southparkfan, assigned to github-migration, Priority: Normal, Status: Resolved [18:00:59] .coffee [18:00:59] Sario: To whom should I give this cup of coffee? [18:01:09] .coffee Sario [18:01:09] * MirahezeBotBeta gives Sario a nice warm cup of coffee. [18:03:41] .ping [18:03:42] Pong! [19:58:19] .rss [19:58:19] synopsis: \.rss add|colors|config|del|fields|formats|get|help|join|list|templates|update