[02:44:05] https://twitter.com/LakesideMiners/status/1275174648041349122 [02:44:05] [Twitter] Red Kitters (@LakesideMiners): https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1275174604252893187/pu/vid/720x1280/17M5x2vBH5AU_kap.mp4?tag=10 | 0 RTs | 0 ♥s | Posted: 2020-06-22 - 22:11:42BST [15:08:45] .help [15:08:45] Hang on, I'm creating a list. [15:08:46] I've posted a list of my commands at https://clbin.com/02iPZ - You can see more info about any of these commands by doing .help (e.g. .help time) [15:09:11] .quote test [15:09:12] Sorry, I couldn't find anything for that. [15:09:17] .match test [15:09:18] No responses found for test [15:09:51] .quote 1 = test [15:09:51] Added quote. [18:34:05] Vermont: little twat sounds more honest than little joaquin [18:35:04] LTAs... [18:35:15] His real name is Joaquin Rufo Guitierrez I think [18:35:32] I once found the area of spain he lived in [18:35:47] Vermont: At least he sticks out like a sore thumb [18:36:05] Yep. [18:36:51] * RhinosF1 normally lets him say one sentence before kickban [23:01:44] .ip [23:01:44] [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: 186-89-104-158.genericrev.cantv.net | Location: Venezuela | Region: Cojedes | City: San Carlos | ISP: AS8048 CANTV Servicios, Venezuela