[08:46:20] .ip [08:46:20] Downloading GeoIP database, please wait... [08:46:33] Reception123: is the website [08:46:33] [ Home - ZppixBot ] - [08:46:52] ok [08:47:09] so that's the future bots.miraheze.wiki [08:47:26] [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: | Location: United States | Region: California | City: Los Angeles | ISP: AS174 COGENT-174 [12:28:41] Hey CptViraj [12:29:21] hi Greatest [12:29:27] Hey [12:51:12] Greatest: Hi [12:54:52] Are you from India CptViraj [12:55:59] Greatest: Yep [14:16:05] MirahezeBotBeta: welcome [14:16:14] ZppixBot-test: welcome to the end [16:41:24] * Sario waves farewell to ZppixBot-test [16:42:47] Sario: it's got until tommorow morning [16:43:45] * ZppixBot-test is sad that he has to go [16:43:58] * RhinosF1 stares at Reception123 [16:44:00] Best to get my goodbyes in now [16:44:17] Sario: he probably will have died by time you wake up. [16:44:27] Yup [16:45:21] * RhinosF1 will be shutting off both MirahezeBotBeta and ZppixBot-test, syncing the databases and files and then starting MirahezeBotBeta back uo [20:15:30] What was up with that bearfield person? [20:16:23] RhinosF1: ^ [20:25:05] Troll [20:25:05] RhinosF1: 2020-06-30 - 19:16:48BST tell RhinosF1 we need to invite void to the new repos as well [20:25:44] that's because the message went to all 3 bots - heh [22:53:34] .status mhmeta Off [22:53:38] RhinosF1: Updating User:RhinosF1/Status to Off! [22:53:39] RhinosF1: Updating User:RhinosF1/Status to Off! [22:53:45] RhinosF1: Updated! [22:53:46] RhinosF1: Updated! [22:54:28] MirahezeBotBeta: Beta is 2 seconds faster