[05:54:20] @seen Examknow [05:54:20] RhinosF1: Last time I saw Examknow they were quitting the network with reason: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity N/A at 5/23/2019 1:56:33 AM (3h57m47s ago) [05:55:23] I will let you know when I see Examknow and I will deliver that message to them [05:55:23] @notify Examknow Read logs / scrollback or ping me when I'm online to see about my friend [14:38:56] How is everyone? [14:40:03] everyone is how? [14:47:46] Zppix: You lot do give me a smile even after a hard day [15:06:30] @seen Examknow [15:06:30] RhinosF1: Last time I saw Examknow they were quitting the network with reason: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity N/A at 5/23/2019 1:56:33 AM (13h9m56s ago) [16:44:08] hi [17:49:25] Afternoon - [17:49:26] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7057889/EE-switch-5G-network-month-sale-Huawei-devices-paused.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 [17:49:27] [ EE, Vodafone and ARM are suspending work with Huaweii | Daily Mail Online ] - www.dailymail.co.uk [17:49:36] Yes I know it's the Daily Mail.. [17:49:45] But Arm pulling is a big thing.. [17:51:42] Wouldn't suprise me if banks pull back from Huaweii as well [19:34:03] b1ack0p: I'll put some tasks on GitHub soon [20:29:59] .in 15m Hawking idiot quote [20:30:00] RhinosF1: Okay, I will set the reminder for: 2019-05-23 - 21:45:00BST [20:31:28] Wut? [20:32:32] Zppix, https://www.google.com/search?q=make+something+idiot+proof+quote&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB739GB739&oq=make+something+idiot+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.8345j0j4&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=8UwFWvF0gx2HfM: - adding this to my quotebot function [20:32:33] [ make something idiot proof quote - Google Search ] - www.google.com [20:33:08] Oh [20:33:43] Good luck with making anything idiot proof, considering miraheze lets me be cvt and run ZppixBot there, i say they failed lol [20:37:34] Zppix, yeah, As he said idiots only get better at being idiots. [20:37:55] Lol [20:39:49] Then you get the ones who walk through a comes off area - are told why it's coned off then walk through it and fall over. [20:45:01] RhinosF1: Hawking idiot quote [20:51:32] Thanks bot [20:52:49] Zppix: (and others) - Do you think students should have more control in schools? [20:53:13] Even if a group were appointed to make actual decisions [20:58:55] RhinosF1: depends on the age group, and what type of control [21:03:47] Zppix: Advise on rules, review punishments, ability to help support students, access to more restricted information, help liase between students and staff easier. [21:10:44] !pickquote 7 [21:10:44] Todays quote is: Life is a set of hurdles - It's how you get over them that defines you - RhinosF1 [21:10:50] RhinosF1: i think a group of 2-4 students 2 teachers from english and a science department (for example) and 2 parents and a district administrator would be reasonable [21:15:06] Zppix: That might work - I suppose a review group maybe of a small set of students from higher up years - 2 parents - a few staff members (probably one from English, Maths and science + a member of senior leaders) and a parent or two on a pannel and governer - That would be good as I can see it working and forming quite productive things [21:15:48] RhinosF1: my local school district does something like i said for amending the student handbook each school year [21:16:49] Zppix: How well does it work? Although things like supporting students and appeals on punishments would be more regular [21:16:58] I could only imagine what I'd do [21:18:16] RhinosF1: the last schoolyear and next have had a issue with one new policy but usually after a few months into the school year people move on and get used to it [21:19:09] Zppix: True although there'd be a few things I'd want changing quick and would like to hear [21:19:25] RhinosF1: have you ever tried peitions [21:19:31] RhinosF1: for example on change.org [21:20:05] Zppix: Oh, they know full well that people don't like some of these rules and they're pointless [21:20:51] RhinosF1: what state? Iowa right [21:21:03] Zppix: I'm british [21:21:26] RhinosF1: oh [21:21:40] RhinosF1: im thinking of kb03 [21:22:03] RhinosF1: does the uk have some like authority thats over the school? [21:22:44] Zppix: Academy so there isn't really much - ofsted come every so often but that is corrupt at times [21:23:25] Oh [21:25:22] Zppix: Ofsted inspect schools but everything is made perfect when they cone and I have heard bribery stories - They're not accurate inspections at all [21:29:04] Lol Zppix [21:45:14] Zppix: Depends on the school [21:46:34] But Ultimately OFSTED can request the Department for Education intervene if they find something thats of really serious concern [21:47:04] The situation differs between 'private' and govt-run schools [21:47:58] Private schools as such effectively run their own affairs, where as with govt run schools you have various local management levels [21:48:09] OFSTED inspect them all. [21:48:24] ShakespeareFan00: inspections are corrupt and ineffective [21:48:42] RhinosF1: I will assume that's a personal view [21:49:30] Amongst Private schools you also have some powerful groups like The Headmasters Conference IIRC [21:50:04] ShakespeareFan00: Based on experience - I know schools that have paid students to lie to ofsted, ones that under no circumstances were given accurate resuts, and every school puts on a performance for OFSTED [21:50:07] That have considerable influence, even if they do not have the legal powers OFSTED and the DfE do [21:50:24] Sorry... [21:50:28] My comment got split [21:50:47] It's groups like the Headmasters Conference that have influnce on private schools [21:51:19] Yeah, they are certainly some groups with influence - I'm at an Academy - supposedly one of the best in my area [21:51:55] Acadamies to some extent have more freedom than most govt-run schools in the UK [21:52:21] At one time there was a plan to create a lot more Acadamies, which was controversial [21:52:41] More freedom yes but still with gov support [21:52:44] However, they don't have as much freedom as 'private' schools do [21:53:29] I'm not using the term 'public' school here given that term has a different meaning in the UK compared to the US [21:54:43] RhinosF1: Hmmm [21:55:24] Zppix: In terms of student engagment on policy, it also depends on the School.. [21:56:01] At my Sixth Form, there was a Student Council, that was elected by pupils in the relevant years [21:56:56] In comparison, I've heard of some schools still having an old-fashioned prefects systems. [21:58:14] Zppix: At least in the US you have 'public' schools with more lenient dress codes.. [21:58:20] My school do have head boys but they're not very present and don't do that much [21:58:20] (within reason). [21:59:06] Yeah, we MUST wear jumpers at all times inside, shirts tucked in, ties done up or get a det even in summer and MUST ask to remove jumpers [21:59:11] When I was at School, nearly all of them had school uniforms.. [21:59:19] which is less common in the US [21:59:25] hi there [21:59:25] Hi b1ack0p! [21:59:36] how r u RF1_Bot ? [21:59:52] RhinosF1: My Sixth Form was reasonably relaxed.. [22:00:02] b1ack0p, you have some tasks on GitHub [22:00:10] yep [22:00:11] RF1_Bot is a actual bot [22:00:19] i am on task2 but it is difficult for me :/ [22:00:35] ShakespeareFan00: Sixth form is a joke for dress code [22:00:40] b1ack0p: Which part [22:00:42] True [22:00:42] i need to learn theory first i guess [22:00:48] variables ..etc [22:01:19] One local school insisted the Sixth Form wore 'commerical' attire, i.e suits :) [22:01:38] b1ack0p to set something to a variable - give it a name (all lowercase) and then put an equals sign after it like i've done with varname [22:01:58] ShakespeareFan00: My schools sixth formers wear some questionable attire [22:02:08] b1ack0p: What language? [22:02:18] python [22:02:28] RhinosF1: I never tried to push the dress code at my Sixth Form [22:02:54] Generally, I am okay with no-jeans, proper shirts, and plain colors. [22:02:55] RhinosF1: which level will i be at the end of the tasks? [22:02:59] ShakespeareFan00: Something needs doing at mine [22:03:15] RhinosF1: Are you a student or faculty? [22:03:22] b1ack0p: Enough for a GCSE at least on the practical side [22:03:28] ShakespeareFan00: Student [22:03:34] what s GCSE? lol [22:03:54] b1ack0p: GCSE is an exam taken in the UK at age 16 [22:03:58] b1ack0p: British thing done at age 16 [22:04:00] wow [22:04:05] about coding? [22:04:09] No.. [22:04:20] You can take GCSEs in a lot of things [22:04:25] Typically GCSE's are in academic subjects... [22:04:25] ah i got it [22:04:34] university entry exam [22:04:43] Not really [22:04:46] hmm [22:05:01] i mean which level will i be on python [22:05:02] The thing for getting into University in the UK is an A-level [22:05:37] Or some form of equivalent vocational thing, not sure which [22:05:46] There isn't a GCSE for coding... [22:05:49] b1ack0p: You need A-Levels for Uni but actual python this will help a lot so you can learn and understand most tings and adapt it to many things [22:06:11] got it [22:06:15] b1ack0p: BTW if you serious about doing computer things, learn math [22:06:26] especially Discrete math and logic... [22:06:29] ShakespeareFan00: advanced math? [22:06:46] i have economy degree from university [22:06:59] Okay that would do :) [22:07:07] but i forgot many things about math [22:07:10] many many things [22:07:13] b1ack0p: You'll be fine with this then - you need pretty good maths skills though [22:07:18] i have very basic maths now [22:07:45] b1ack0p: Do you know how to sequence operations in a calculation? [22:07:47] i forgot integrals matrises ..etc [22:08:16] A lot of computing is based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_computation [22:08:16] [WIKIPEDIA] Theory of computation | "In theoretical computer science and mathematics, the theory of computation is the branch that deals with how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation, using an algorithm. The field is divided into three major branches: automata theory and languages, computability theory, and computational..." [22:08:18] stuff. [22:08:28] which is logic + Discrete Math.. [22:08:54] b1ack0p: I'm not going to make it too hard but you'll need to know orders of operations and how to do all your basic functions well - You'll want to be logical [22:09:01] And in some modern programming, knowing some key staistical theoritacl stuff helps as well [22:09:20] Okay quick math test... [22:09:31] 2 2 2 * + :) [22:09:44] Note the 2 are seperate values.. [22:09:53] not really [22:10:06] What is the answer to 2 2 2 * + then? [22:10:24] i dont now lol [22:10:42] it doesnt make sense to me as there are no signs between 2s [22:11:30] You've not come across postfix notation before? [22:11:45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation [22:11:46] [WIKIPEDIA] Reverse Polish notation | "Reverse Polish notation (RPN), also known as Polish postfix notation or simply postfix notation, is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands, in contrast to Polish notation (PN), in which operators precede their operands. It does not need any parentheses as long as each operator..." [22:12:28] I would suggest reading the Wikipedia article I linked :) [22:12:54] 2 2 + would be 4 [22:13:49] why not 2+2 ? [22:15:05] b1ack0p: Diffrent notation although I'll always use the standard 2+2 2*2 2/2 etc notations [22:15:31] i really want to learn all of these but it will take years.. [22:15:44] i need to study uni+phd level :p [22:15:55] 2 2 2 + * would be 8 [22:16:09] Just read the hints people give.. [22:16:22] 2 2 2 =? 2+2+2 [22:16:30] what about * at the end? [22:16:52] (2+2)*2=8 In conventional (infix?) notation. [22:17:07] b1ack0p: Don't worry - my python tasks will take a few days for each learning module for most of them and the tests vary - the last one will take you a while no matter which task you pick - (You have a choice) [22:17:10] we can say 2^3 [22:17:29] Yes.. but this was an illustrative example.. [22:17:44] 2 3 2 + * would not be 8 but 10 :) [22:18:08] if i get a level on python and if i think i can do coding then i am willing to learn everything [22:18:46] b1ack0p: You'll do fine at coding [22:18:53] Figuring out how to convert between infix and postfix is a useful skill [22:18:54] hope so [22:19:01] Just take your time and ask if you're stuck [22:19:08] thx a lot [22:19:20] Try task2 now if you want as I'm around for 20 mins [22:19:38] ShakespeareFan00: i didnt study calculus at university and those are beyond calculus as i see [22:20:10] RhinosF1: working on it [22:20:21] b1ack0p: I'll be using the conventional maths format throughout this [22:20:29] ok [22:22:51] b1ack0p: postfix notation isn't hard... [22:23:07] but RhinosF1 will use conventional infix for the moment [22:23:30] I find postfix very easy because I had a really old calculator. [22:23:34] :) [22:23:45] Meaning I had to break down more complex calculations [22:24:38] If you a proficient with postfix you can also redesign certain calculations to be faster :) [22:26:13] i have lag. sorry for that [22:26:24] about 4 mins lag [22:26:33] i am on ubuntu bash irssi on win10 [22:31:46] RhinosF1: i will sleep early today because i have doctor appointment tomorrow. [22:32:07] b1ack0p: np - do you mind me asking what for? [22:32:18] my appointment? [22:35:25] b1ack0p: yes [22:36:26] well i have back pain for several years. i didnt have time to go doctor at my previous work. finally last week i went to doctor and i had MRI scans. tomorrow i will get the results and see the doctor again. [22:36:43] b1ack0p: Good luck!! [22:36:48] being accountant/finance guy sucks really [22:36:53] thx [22:36:58] it is total slavery [22:37:25] that s why i regret not studying engineer or comp. sciences [22:37:32] engineering [22:37:34] b1ack0p: Learn stats and you can actuarial :) [22:37:41] statistics:? [22:37:53] Yes.. and probabilities :) [22:38:12] lol [22:38:23] u are asking me to learn things which will take a lot of time [22:38:25] :p [22:38:50] if i learn that i will be professor lol [22:39:36] at university i took short lesson about SPSS but it was very long time ago [22:39:37] He's advising you - although very basic stats and probability may be useful in the tasks later on in assessing randomness of things and testing stuff [22:39:39] i forgot everything [22:40:50] well in my country ppl studying university to find a job easily and start earning money.. then it becomes modern slavery [22:41:09] b1ack0p: It will come back [22:41:12] at the end you feel you learnt nothing [22:41:55] correction: to find a job quickly not easy.. [22:42:04] also not quick too as well in reality [22:42:20] the target is to earn money not learn anything [22:45:56] RhinosF1: I was mentioning it because 'actuarial' science is a very lucrative side of accountancy related work. [22:46:39] I had people I knew from University, ending up being paid by city banks to work out better ways to predict market risks :) [22:47:08] Or figure out how bad pension deficits could get :) [22:47:39] You can be paid to a lot - finance and tech are quite big as well in the uk [22:47:47] * to do a lot [22:49:24] RhinosF1: A classic exercise in probability is to work out how big a sample of people you need for two people to share a birthday... [22:49:32] It's smaller than you think :) [22:50:06] I can imagine (at some ages (at others it depends more)) [22:50:20] Kb03|Camping: Enjoy your trip [22:50:37] * RhinosF1 must sleep now [22:52:05] I have to go as well :) [22:52:07] * ShakespeareFan00 out [22:57:27] out too