[05:59:11] Everyone have a good sleep/day? [13:15:59] (Sigh) - https://www.businessinsider.com/mms-jim-humble-bleach-autism-cure-youtube-2019-5?r=US&IR=T [13:16:00] [ MMS: Jim Humble, YouTube hyped bleach as autism cure, reached millions - Business Insider ] - www.businessinsider.com [13:16:11] What will it take for such quacks to jailed ? [13:33:44] lol [14:16:36] Anyone know how to make waiting for phone calls easier? [14:17:43] Oh and ShakespeareFan00, Of course they deserve jail but it our politicians are useless and we have under funded police [15:32:36] RF1: There used to be a group in the US that brought private prosecutions against quacks [15:35:01] ShakespeareFan00: Good, They deserve it. I hate waiting for phone calls (and most times I need people to respond it's because someone is ill) [19:16:21] Examknow, FoxsideMiners, TheSandDoctor: The kid from yesterday that I was talking about with the panic attacks was off again tommorow. I've told some of friends now with his permission what's going on and he's said (which I hope) he'll be in tommorow. He called himself weak but Ive assured him he isn't and told him were always there for him. [19:20:52] How bad are the panic attacks? [19:25:36] Examknow, Bad enough to keep him off school to ensure he's okay and for parents to take him to the doctors. Also they are probably at least once every few weeks and lead to a few days off. [19:30:16] That’s not good [19:31:39] Examknow, certainly not, I only found out yesterday it was panic attacks yesterday after questioning a bit more as I guessed there was more to I'm ill (as there normally is) [19:42:33] RhinosF1: can i pm you re the kid with panic attacks? [19:44:22] Zppix, of course [19:44:30] PMs are always welcome [19:45:06] RhinosF1: i always ask i find it rude if you dont [19:46:57] Zppix, no problem - responded [19:49:55] @logoff (due to the topic) [19:50:00] @logoff [21:52:16] Logs back after delogging again due to topic yesterday [21:53:02] i know licenses, and genually would license things under apache version 2 or gpl [21:55:14] paladox, If you're able to - Check https://github.com/quirc-bot/QuIRC and see if our license change when I forked it looks legal - If not, help me fix it if you can [21:55:14] [ GitHub - quirc-bot/QuIRC: IRC Bot Libary with automatic local logging on message and terminal output ] - github.com [21:55:23] oh [21:55:31] RhinosF1 i know nothing about legal, sorry :( [21:55:34] http://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/dump/%23%23RhinosF1.htm [21:55:34] @info [21:55:35] [ ##RhinosF1 ] - wm-bot.wmflabs.org [21:55:49] Paladox, Fuchs raised it trying to register as a group [22:07:46] .in 24 hours Create bot on/off flags for functions [22:07:46] RhinosF1: Okay, I will set the reminder for: 2019-05-22 - 23:07:46BST [22:07:55] .cancelreminder [22:07:56] RhinosF1: Pinging MacFan4000, Reception123, or Zppix to cancel RhinosF1's reminder. [22:08:15] .in 20 hours Create bot on/off flags for functions [22:08:16] RhinosF1: Okay, I will set the reminder for: 2019-05-22 - 19:08:15BST [22:10:01] Evening paladox [22:10:06] hi [22:10:11] long time no see :P [22:10:16] Anyone here good at finding obscure information? [22:10:25] paladox: Decided to take a break from things [22:10:33] ah ok [22:10:36] and nope :( [22:10:37] ShakespeareFan00, Depends what on [22:10:54] OMF format for object code... [22:11:21] Especially what Microsoft C 6.0 or Turbo C used [22:11:32] * RhinosF1 isn't too sure but it depends what information exactly is needed [22:11:53] What's needed ideally is a spec [22:12:16] that someone 'hacking' a binuitls' would need [22:12:44] * RhinosF1 is lost [22:13:04] OMF was a format used for object code... [22:13:09] like Linux uses ELF [22:13:18] and windows uses PE/COFF [22:16:41] I like seeing my code in the real world (I wrote https://freenode.net/kb/answer/channelmodes#restricted-channel-modes and the bit on setting modes at https://freenode.net/kb/answer/channelmodes) [22:16:41] [ Channel Modes - freenode ] - freenode.net [22:16:42] [ 404—Not Found - freenode ] - freenode.net [23:01:22] Welcome to 22 May everyone!